Es is a bit eerie, at what speed the Amazon language assistant Alexa progress - many think of Skynet, the murderous artificial intelligence from the "Terminator" films. Alexa herself tries to calm down: " I have nothing to do with Skynet. Do not worry. "- hopefully! In the detailed Alexa test by COMPUTER BILD nothing bad happened. Use Alexa app to determine the skills of your echo. Only then does Alexa react to specific commands and execute them. The following overview shows the best skills.
Skill for Netatmo weather stations
The new official Netatmo Skill replaces the previous, more complicated home-weather skill: from now on, you can ask for numerous values, for example indoor and outdoor temperatures, humidity, sound levels and indoor CO2 levels. Wind direction, wind strength and precipitation also ask you - provided you have the necessary modules such as wind and rain blades.
Netatmo Weather Station
The Netatmo weather station is available in different versions, priced between 119 euros and 179 euros. The Netatmo weather station test provides all the details about the device .