Metro Twit Download As you can intuit the name of this free program for pc , it is an application for Windows 8 with which you will be able to have easy access to your Twiter account. Metro Twit is a free software for PC compatible with Windows 8 and is going to become a fundamental application for those who use your Twitter account a lot.
Metro Twit is a Twitter client based on Windows 8, in the Metro appearance that so much furor is unleashing even before the official exit of this new operating system.
This free program for pc called Metro Twit, has a fantastic appearance and all the usual features in this type of programs, so essential for Twitter users.
With Metro Twit you can write Twits, mention, retweet in a very simple way, including two retuiteo formats. Searches with Metro Twit have a very good performance and you can add images and videos without problems.