BitTorrent Download is one of the first and most popular torrent clients , which allows you to quickly and surely share files with your friends or with other computer users. BitTorrent is a simple software that facilitates the downloading of large packages of files (torrents) fast. The program is very well optimized for downloading from multiple sources, and uses only minimal computer resources. It has a community of more than 150 million users to deliver the files to your PC as fast as anything else.
BitTorrent, share content quickly
The development of this application remains open source until 2006, when its code was changed to be powered by uTorrent. From that point on the BitTorrent client has ceased to be open source, and approved the closed developer structure that produces constant changes even today.
The BitTorrent client interface is very traditional, offering anyone the easy way to control current downloads , the number of connections and everything else that is needed from the modern peer-to-peer file transfer client (parallel downloads, Limits of speed, automatic recovery of files). An interesting addition that you can also find is the integrated search engine, to discover new torrents. In early 2014, the BitTorrent client interface was translated into 66 international languages. My favorite client torrents, so do not hesitate and start downloading BitTorrent for free.