Super Grub Disk Download This program can be used in any OS,it is in Spanish, Catalan, Basque, Galician and English, it weighs only 4.4 MB and is available to download for free.
Usually it happens to install a software that is not recommendable and to have to restart the equipment, but soon to the start, it shows us a message that says that it does not find how to begin. This problem is already solved and is called Super Grub Disk.
Thanks to it, you can recover the boot of the operating systems (Windows or Linux) and restore the MBR information. It is compatible with LILO and GRUB and can boot manually or automatically. It is available in USB and CD.
The only counter that can be found is that it has an interface in text mode, among the advantages, as we have said, it supports several boot systems and gives us the option to do it automatically or manually.